Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dehydrated apple with cinnamon and sugar.

Dehydrated apple with cinnamon
and sugar.
Rate your recipe:**** (Simple
and light to carry)
Cut the apples into slices, approx ten per apple
Put them into a zip lock box with lemon juice and soak for 10 minutes. Sprinkle
cinnamon and sugar for extra flavour.
Then place them into the
dehydrator for 18 hours. The apples will turn a brown-yellow colour and I left
the skin on as it provides more nutrients to you when eating them, though it is
fully optional to keep them on or off. The apples tasted very good at the end,
though if I were to redo them I would put them into the dehydrator for a longer
period of time to ensure that they have a full and proper dehydrating period.

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